Bay Women Association Network

+252 615629584

Dental Care

Women Empowerment

We design programs that are aimed at empowering the most vulnerable women to be self-reliant. The Women Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Livelihood Program advocates for economic justice for women and develops women’s capacity and potential to participate in business and entrepreneurship and favorably compete in the economic market.  Women’s active participation and inclusion in resource allocation and exploitation promotes their economic independence and improves their status in society. BAWA uses a rights-based approach to ensure women achieve economic justice and equal and equitable access to factors of production like land, markets, inputs and information. Under this programme, BAWA works with women engaged in agriculture and artisans who undertake crafts making, to promote agribusiness, value chain production and access to markets.  This entails promoting value addition, bulk production and cooperatives for women to realize the benefits of working in collectives.

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